The Basics
- is a website that offers challenge sets to practice your typing.
- has an optional teacher/student system, where a "teacher" user can view the progress that assigned student accounts have made.
- Fact 1: I know how to type already.
- Fact 2: I don't want to type more than I already do daily.
How do we approach this challenge?
Initially, I thought that the best way to approach this would be to write a browser script that could be executed by a Firefox extension such as TamperMonkey. By using DevTools on the site, I could see that all of the characters to type had the class name letter
. I started out with the following code:
let characters = document.getElementsByClassName("letter");
Simple enough, right? However, I quickly encountered a problem: seems to have some sort of protection against injected keystrokes. I couldn't use browser Javascript to execute the keypresses to type the letters; the keypresses had to be sent from elsewhere.
Solution 1
After this, I took what I learned and moved to Python. With no way to easily and directly get the letters to type from an external program (such as Python), I decided that the best solution would be to use OCR (Optical Character Recognition).
Using OCR, I could capture a section of the screen and detect letters from it. To do this, I used the pytesseract
package for Python and installed the Tesseract CLI. Ultimately, this solution worked, but it had many pitfalls.
- Python is a notoriously slow interpreted language.
- Each section I wanted to type had to be manually selected/screenshotted, which became time-consuming and tedious when completing multiple lessons at once.
- This all had to work cross-platform since I use Windows, MacOS, and Linux, which wasn't easy to do in Python.
- Some characters simply couldn't be recognized by Tesseract, such as's newline character (
) which requires the user to pressenter
to continue.
So, that's why I decided to try...
Solution 2
Selenium Webdriver is a package for NodeJS that allows developers to create web tests by creating a contained, automated browser and sending commands to it. This is perfect for what I am trying to accomplish!
Selenium solves every single problem that the Python version had, and as a bonus, I can make Selenium auto-progress through all of the typing challenges on its own by detecting the "next lesson" button.
So, with this knowledge, I rewrote the task at hand using Selenium. Keys would be detected via browser Javascript, as before, but now I could send the keypresses from Selenium. The only downside to this method is that (since Selenium Webdriver creates a sandboxed browser) I would have to re-login to my account every time I wished to test the code, but this only ended up being a minor issue as multiple lessons could be completed at once after logging in.
I wrote further code to simulate typing mistakes, which would then press backspace and re-type the correct letter, and I also added logic to type at different speeds (in "words per minute"). Without these limiters, it's incredible what times the script can achieve.
The source code for this project is available at the repository Strayfade/Typewriter